The market mechanism fails to allocate resources efficiently is known as market failure. Therefore economic and social welfare may not be maximsed. This leads to a loss of economic efficiency.
Reasons for market failure
Public goods and merit goods are not supplied in sufficient quantity by the market.
Immobility of factors of production
Lack of competition
Poverty and inequality in an economy
Information failure
Existence of external costs and benefits
Goods are differentiate
Private Costs
Cost to an individual by the production or consumption of a product.
PC = SC – EC
Private Benefits
Benefits to an individual by the production or consumption of a product.
PB = SB – EB
External Cost
Cost to the third parties by the economic activities of others.
For example, if someone smoke cigarettes in public places, this may have a number of adverse
effects on others.
EC = SC – PC
Social Cost
It is the total cost to the society of the production or consumption of a product.
Social Benefits
The total benefits to society of the production or consumption of a product.
SB = EB + PB
The budget is a simple balance sheet, which shows income and expenditure of the government.
Surplus Budget
In a financial year when public revenue exceeds public expenditure, a budget surplus arises
Deficit Budget
In a financial year when public expenditure exceeds public revenue, a deficit budget arises.
Zero/Balanced budget
When the estimated public expenditure equals to estimated public revenue, it is called balanced
National Debt
All the money borrowed by the public sector over the past, which has not been repaid is called
public sector debt
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